Community links
Are you a local organisation providing a service to residents of Caerphilly town. If you would like to have a link to your own website on this page please contact the Town Clerk.
You can also promote any local events in Caerphilly town. Complete the Events Form and return to the Town Clerk.
Summer Sport Scheme 2024
Limited sponsored places will be available on the summer sports camps. Places are offered on a “first come first served” basis. Residents who live within Morgan Jones Ward and St Martins Ward are eligible to apply for the sponsored places.
When making a booking all children will need to be smartcard members and up to date contact details will be required. Bookings will be made through Caerphilly Leisure Centre.
For more information contact the Sport Development Team, Caerphilly County Borough Council. Tel No 01495235464
Community Service Award Scheme
The Award Scheme introduced in 2019 was suspended during the pandemic. The Town Council reinstated the scheme in 2023. The general public will be able to make nominations for a single Civic Award that will be made to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the community. Although primarily for individuals the award may be given to a community or voluntary group which has made a positive difference. Nominations can be made using the online form (link below) or printing and submitting a hard copy. Nominations can be received at any time. All entries will be checked and presented annually to the Town Council for a decision. Arrangements will then be made for a presentation by the Town Mayor to the successful nominee.